Photo of Italia Ruotolo Italy

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I was born in Naples, Italy.

I have been studies of classical literature

I then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.

I have worked many years as a goldsmith and designer.

This has greatly influenced my painting on the pursuit of material prices.

My style has many influences as there are many references in my artistic ideals that are,

from the pop art Art Nouveau...

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See everything we offer you!
11.81 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 27.56 in
11.81 x 11.81 in
15.75 x 11.81 in
39.37 x 39.37 in
13.78 x 15.75 in
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I was born in Naples, Italy.

I have been studies of classical literature

I then studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples.

I have worked many years as a goldsmith and designer.

This has greatly influenced my painting on the pursuit of material prices.

My style has many influences as there are many references in my artistic ideals that are,

from the pop art Art Nouveau style.

My source of inspiration is the world, but my art is not strictly

realistic, is a kind of journey in a parallel world

as actual acts are element of provocation that create imaginative reactions.

In my work there is no distinction between high and low cultural level,

because I realize that man contemporary living in a myriad of sensory stimulation and is

product of the permanent contradiction between what is real and what is mere appearance

or mere fiction.

The echoes of these contradictions are in my pictures, I am in constant search for balance

between real and unreal, true and false, past and future.

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